Our Dedication


Our greatest joy in life is derived from our children, who give us purpose and the reason to live. My wife and I “lived” for our children, Veronica and Jean-Paul, and for their well being. Losing a child makes one wonder why we live at all…

The memory of our beautiful daughter, Veronica, causes us to well up with tears of deep sorrow on our losing her, and of great joy at our good fortune of having had her with us for 17 and a half years.

We lost her tragically in an auto accident here in Napa, close to home…

If things had been different, what would she be doing now? She would likely be attending college, spending time with friends, and celebrating the joys of her life…and there were many. She’d love to have ice cream cake and then go out shopping for a cute outfit for an upcoming trip to a favorite place. Would she have a boyfriend? Her friends would probably say yes. Would her room still be in a state of chaos? Of course…who has time for that when you’re living life to the fullest.

5Would she have grand plans for the future? Oh yes..it might not have been clear to her as of yet, but it would undoubtedly have something to do with computers, and interaction with people…especially with children. Whatever it would “have been”, it would have brought her great happiness, and to us, great joy.

She loved our Plastic Surgery office, sharing spa treatments with many of her friends. She would surely have been thrilled to help us here in any way that she could.

We will always miss her big blue eyes, her giggles, her zest for life…in fact, every little thing about her.

We thank God that we are blessed with the presence of our son, Jean-Paul…

In Veronica’s memory, a portion of the fee for every treatment and surgical procedure performed in our office will be donated to:

The Veronica Zimmermann Memorial Scholarship
Justin-Siena High School
Napa, Ca.

The Veronica Zimmermann Memorial Scholarship
St. Apollinaris Catholic School
Napa, Ca.